Port Huron PD Welcomes New K9

Last Updated: October 19, 2024By Tags: , , , , ,

PORT HURON, MI — The Port Huron Police Department (PHPD) is excited to announce two new additions to its K9 Unit. Officer Caleb Paul has been selected as the newest K9 handler, and his partner, a 14-month-old German Shepherd from the Slovak Republic, will be joining the team.

To give the new K9 a fitting name, the department is reaching out to local students. Starting next week, Officer Paul and several officers will visit elementary and middle schools in Port Huron, allowing students to meet the new K9 and learn about the important role he will play in the department. Students will also have the chance to submit name suggestions and drawings of the K9, with forms and guidelines provided during the visits.

The PHPD looks forward to seeing the students’ creativity and will share their favorite submissions before announcing the official name. Stay tuned for more updates!